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Alcalá Solar Farm

A BayWa r.e. project.

Alcalá, our second project in Seville

Alcalá is a 15.13 MWp photovoltaic project located in Dos Hermanas, Seville, which will come into operation in the last quarter of 2023.

In its first year of full production, the solar park is expected to generate approximately 31 GWh of solar energy while avoiding the emission of approximately 13,500 tonnes of CO2 per year.

Total output 15.13 MWp
Modules JA Solar 535-540 Wp Bifacial
Inverters Sungrow SG250HX
Output 31 GWh
Surface54 ha
emissions avoided per year 13,500 tons of CO2

Our first VPPA with a healthcare company

We have signed a 10-year VPPA (Virtual Power Purchase Agreement) with Boston Scientific, a global medical technology leader, to supply the company with enough energy to cover approximately 80% of its electricity consumption in Europe.

The VPPA also helps the company build on its C3 energy strategy, which aims to cut the use of energy, convert to renewable energy, and to compensate for unavoidable emissions.

Commitment towards local development

At BayWa r.e. we are committed to the positive impact on the localities in which we develop our projects. It is very important for us to listen to the needs of the community and collaborate with them in order to contribute to the economic developmentof the territory and to the preservation of the biodiversity of the area.

Some of the actions we carry out are the creation of local employment, the restoration of assets of cultural interest or ecological heritage, or the reforestation of the natural environment.

MW installed
MW pipeline
GW on PPAs
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