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Tailor-made Financing Options for your PV Installation

The financing solutions that best suit your business

If you would like to install a PV plant in your company, we offer various financing options, such as photovoltaic leasing or Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs). Solutions which we can adapt, on a tailor-made basis, to the specific needs of your company. Choose the option that best matches your needs:

  • Investment: invest in your turnkey PV plant. We take care of installation and implementation; you are the owners and investors of the project.
  • Leasing/financing: this option guarantees greater financial flexibility as it does not require an upfront investment. Lease the PV plant and use it to independently generate green energy, paying a monthly lease fee. After the lease expires, you can choose to renew the lease or purchase the plant.
  • PPA: this option allows you to benefit from the advantages of green energy without having to worry about the plant or how to finance it. If you enter into a PPA for a defined period of time, we will provide you with green energy at a fixed price.
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